Monday, February 5, 2007

Online Dating Tips

The fact that you were interested in reading this write-up explains that either you are a fresher in the field of dating or have had a few disastrous dating experiences. For freshers, we would like to explain dating, as an ideal platform to know somebody and an opportunity to search for a good company and a great friend. Dating is nothing but a step forward in building a new relationship, it could either lead to friendship and if things go in the right direction you might even find your Mr./ Ms. Right.

It is not necessary that a date will lead to a special relation always. You might just land up finding a good friend on one such date or possibilities are that your vibes do not match, and both of you might just never meet the person ever again. It is very important thus, that you always keep your options open and not get disappointed on not having an ideal date.

Dating, these days has become a very common factor not only amongst the teenagers, but is also being readily accepted by the adult section of the society too. With the Internets growing in popularity and numerous dating sites and communities erupting every day, online dating too has gained great popularity. These easy to access dating rooms and chat facilities are an open window to a completely new world of strangers, who are ready to become your friend and spend some good time talking to each other.

As on the one hand online dating is interesting and adventurous, on the other, it also appears to be highly risky and dangerous to personal identities. Many cases of false identities and forgery have been reported over online dating, where people take the advantage of being invisible. It is therefore advised that a lot of care be taken while dating online.

We shall now be discussing some important aspects, which need special attention, while we opt for dating online.

Firstly, always safeguard personal information. It is recommended that you do not exchange personal information like, phone number, address, credit card number, bank a/c numbers etc. while you are dating online. It is usually seen that people use these information for illegal purposes, which can be harmful to you. It is a common practice amongst people who date online to use fake or junk names to hide their identity.

Secondly, when you approach a person online, read the person’s profile carefully and try to grasp the kind of person that he or she is. Filling up your dating profile therefore is very essential. Provide information that is correct to a certain extent, for example your likes and dislikes, your habits and hobbies etc.

Thirdly, do not hesitate to start up a conversation, and while you are striking a conversation, try to be patient and a good listener also. One very common mistake that people tend to make while approaching people online is, by getting too inquisitive and impatient about information on the other person. Do not get to hyped up or loose patience. This might put off the person on the other end.

Another very essential rule of online dating is, not to ask too many questions. Being too intruding or exhibiting a tendency to encroach upon the other person’s privacy acts as a negative point. Asking personal questions and questions on appearance also tend to act as a negative aspect of dating online.

Last but not the least; understand that the person is not interested in you when he/ she is not responding to your mails, or approaches. Do not get disheartened or loose hope as this affects the fun element of dating online –which says there is opportunity at every turn, just get hooked to it!

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